Sunday 6th September 2015

We had the opportunity to have an information stand in the foyer of Sainsbury's in Newport. We appealed for our volunteers to come and support us by being there to tell people all about our group and to help shoppers by packing bags for them. What a magnificent turnout. I counted seventeen people including some of our disabled folks all getting on with having fun and helping people.
A huge thank you to Veronica and Sue M who put in so much time and energy to ensure that we can all be so proud of our group. There was a really good atmosphere there between the staff at Sainsbury's and everybody in our group and I heard nothing but praise for all the effort that everyone put in.
There were two main aims in taking on the project. One to increase awareness of carriage driving for the disabled, and two, to raise funds. Oh yes - a third, for people to enjoy themselves and have fun. Many shoppers took the time to talk to us and find out lots more about the group so that takes care of awareness. So many people were most generous with their donations helping to swell funds by FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS. Finally the buzz showed how much people including shoppers enjoyed the day.
I found out that RDA doesn't only stand for Riding for Disabled Association but Recommended Daily Allowance when one customer said that the Recommended Daily Allowance should be at least one pound from each and every customer. One very kind but obviously short sighted customer said that RDA must stand for Rather Dashing and Attractive.

Thanks to all who made the day such a success and particularly all the staff at Sainsbury's who made us feel so welcome.


Look at how many bags Sue Packed!!

Part of the very impressive display set up in the foyer

Lovely flowers

Sue wit 'little helper' and Pauline.


Lots of the kind staff from Sainsbury's who joined in with the fun.