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Eighteen people from the Island travelled to the mainland to drive the ponies belonging to the New Forest RDA.
We had a brilliant sunny day and enjoyed a perfect crossing to Lymington where we were met by a member of the New Forest group. We formed a convoy for the short drive to New Park, the New Forest Show Ground. As always we were made very welcome by our hosts and soon a drive of about 8 or 9 carriages set off into the forest for a beautiful drive. We all then tucked into our picnics and were treated to a free raffle ticket. Jeannette took the first prize, a bottle of red wine which I have enjoyed a couple of glasses tonight. (So my typing may nit be up to scrotch!).
After our lunch there were two more rides over the same route.

It was so nice to see some old friends again and to meet a few new faces. We left under clear blue skies to return to the Island on the 4:15 ferry. . . . . What a great bunch of people the New Forest group are. Sincere thanks to them all for making it such an enjoyable day for us. Click link to see photographs of the day and their amazing ponies and horses.