Our Auction was held on Friday 16th April 2010. Wow what a success it was!!

All the hard work leading up to the event was rewarded, not only by a magnificent sum raised, nearly £2,200 but also by a most enjoyable evening. We were very privileged to have Tim Smith volunteer to conduct the auction for us and even more privileged that Frank Spencer took to the podium to auction the first half. Betty had let him out for this "Once in a lifetime" experience and he soon had the whole room in fits of laughter and enjoying their bidding.

The extremely well stocked tombola was well patronized. Sheila and Jenny ensured that the stall was manned and run smoothly all evening and they made sure that all the tickets were used by the end of the evening. The staff at the Chequers Inn were really great in the lead up to the event, arranging exclusive use of, and setting up the room, fulfilling all our requests and constantly replenishing the buffet table. Fiona had recruited her mum and dad to help with lifting and carrying and some young helpers to act as porters.

It was so good to see the volunteers from the group doing such a good job in recruiting new helpers and doing whatever was required of them. They ensured the smooth running of the event.

If it were not for Fiona's sheer hard work, the evening would never have got off the ground. Her enthusiasm in obtaining lots to sell was amazing. We nearly had to tie her down to stop her, as she was still obtaining prizes for the tombola on the day! The individuals and businesses that donated promises deserve a massive vote of thanks as they were all so generous.

Special thanks to Tim and his wife Sue who, from the start, ensured the whole evening ran smoothly, right up to carrying the auctioneers podium back out to the car!

Thanks also to all the good people who bid and purchased all the lots. Who could forget the sight of Gareth having his arm hoisted high by the kids, forcing him to bid for the lots they wanted - then the children running about in the dressing gown amd slippers their dad had bought. I also noticed Robert bidding against his wife - but I didn't say anything!!!

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