you have some spare time on a Wednesday morning - why not volunteer to help
at the carriage driving? You don't need a knowledge of horses or carriages - just a willingness to 'help'. We help people with reduced mobility to safely get on or off the carriage. Those people who need to remain in wheelchairs are wheeled into the carriage using ramps and then their wheelchair firmly clamped into the carriage to ensure they are secure and safe. When this job is done efficiently, you are confident the person is safe and the feeling of security they feel allows them to enjoy their ride or drive to the full. Some volunteers are enthusiastic enough to accompany the carriage on a bike to act as backup should there be a problem. (Being accompanied by a cyclist is a safety requirement before any disabled person is taken out in a carriage). All volunteers are given training. This will ensure that you will be able to cope with the situation in front of you, be the maximum help and support to the people who need a hand and do all that safely. Giving your time to help, brightens the day for the people you help and is enjoyable too for you the volunteer. As a volunteer you will enjoy the friendships and social contact that come from being part of a support group. Talk to any committee member about coming along to one of our meets to see for yourself just how enjoyable it is for 'everyone' involved. I promise you, you will be made most welcome.
from one of our volunteer helpers here on the Island, "One of the best decisions I ever made was to become an RDA volunteer. I can not image life without RDA and should I ever be in a position where I needed therapy, the first place I would turn would be to my local Group." |
STORY RDA story becomes animated film RDAs competition-winning short story has been made into an inspiring and thought-provoking animation. The Guardian Voluntary Sector Network launched the short story competition earlier this year, looking for stories that captured the essence of a charitys work. The prize was the chance to have the story turned into an animated film. Watch the result here. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >>> |
Still unsure? Just come along and watch, join the fun and chat, no pressure. Observe and make your own mind up as to whether it is for you. | |||||||||