Click the button below to read the article about us in "Carriage Driving Magazine"

Quarr Abbey

Unable to use our regular venue, sometimes we meet at the tea rooms of Quarr Abbey. In bright warm sunshine in a beautiful setting we enjoy good company and refreshments. I have included a link to Quarr Abbey dot co dot uk below.

This site will give all the information anyone could want regarding the Abbey. I will be asking all of you questions next time we meet there so study the site well!

Click above to visit Quarr Abbey.


Trade horses for steam engines and travel back in time to be transportedl in somewhat larger carriages.
The IW RDA would like to thank the Isle of Wight Steam Railway for their support of our group.

Click the logo above to visit their website.

The Island RDA acknowledge the kind help and expert advice
given to them by the staff at
Their skills have helped to keep the wheels turning for us.